
Quantum Mechanics 2022

Renowned Speakers

Quantum Mechanics 2022

Conference Series LLC Ltd invites all the participants from all over the world to attend “7th International Conference on Quantum Physics and Mechanics” during May 29-30, 2022 at Webinar.

Theme: Exploring the latest technological advancements in Quantum Mechanics

Details of Quantum Mechanics 2022:

Conference Name



Quantum Mechanics 2022


May 29-30, 2022

Quantum Physics and Mechanics is an annual conference that brings together researchers working on Physics and mathematical foundations of computing, quantum physics, quantum and related areas, with a focus on structural perspectives and the use of logical tools, ordered algebraic and category-theoretic structures, formal languages, semantical methods, and other computer science techniques applied to the study of physical behavior in general. Work that applies structures and methods inspired by quantum theory to other fields (including computer science) is also welcome.

With members from around the world focused on Quantum Physics and Mechanics this is your best opportunity to reach the largest assemblage of participants from the universities, colleges, research centers, societies, institutions, labs, associations, communities and companies etc. We want to make a worldwide meet in which data between researchers from the different controls can be effectively traded. The explanation behind bringing the general population at the meetings together is to catalysis empowering trades and connections between experts in different fields, from physical science to engineering. It will make new interdisciplinary systems and permit members to trade know-how and data to accomplish speedier and better results.

The field of Quantum Physics and Mechanics have not only helped the development in different fields in science and technology but also contributed towards the improvement of the quality of human life. The core aim of Quantum Mechanics 2022 Conference is to provide an opportunity for the delegates to meet, interact and exchange innovative ideas in the various areas of Quantum physics and Nuclear Engineering. The joy of attending Quantum Mechanics 2022 brings with it improvement and incremental growth in your approach to do things, in the broader manner to see things in international diversity.

Target Audience:

  •  Physics and Nuclear Engineering Scientists
  •  Research students and Research Institute
  •  Professors, Students, Researchers from Physics and Nuclear Engineering 
  •  Managers and Business Intellect Professionals
  •  Business Professionals from Nuclear Engineering Industries
  •  Advertising and Promotion Agency Managers
  •  Delegates from Physical and Nuclear Energy societies and Associations

Related Societies:

  •   American Institute of Physics (AIP)
  •   American Physical Society (APS)
  •   Australian Institute of Physics
  •   Canadian Association of Physicists
  •   Colombian Society of Physics (in Spanish)
  •   Chilean Society of Physics (in Spanish)
  •   European Physical Society
  •   European Materials Research Society (EMRS)
  •   The Egyptian Materials Research Society
  •   French Physical Society
  •   International Association of Mathematical Physics (IAMP)
  •   Institute of Particle Physics, Canada (IPP)
  •   Institute of Physics, United Kingdom
  •   International Organization of Chinese Physicists and Astronomers
  •   International Union of Crystallography
  •   International Union of Pure and Applied Physics
  •   Italian Physical Society
  •   Physical Society of Germany (DPG)
  •   Physical Society of Japan
  •   Portuguese Society of Physics
  •   Swiss Physical Society
  •   Italian Association of Physics Students
  •   The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics
  •   The International Liquid Crystal Society
  •   The International society for optics and photonics

Meeting opportunities:

For Researchers and Faculty members:

  •   Speaker presentations
  •   Poster presentation
  •   Symposium hosting
  •   Workshop organizing

For Universities, Associations & Societies:

  •  Association partnering
  •  Collaboration proposals
  •  Academic partnering
  •  Group participation

For students and Research scholars:

  •  Poster competition
  • Young Researcher Forum
  •  Student attendee
  •  Group registrations

For Business Delegates:

  •  Speaker presentations
  •  Symposium hosting
  •  Book launch event
  •  Networking opportunities
  •  Audience participation

For Product manufacturers:

  •  Exhibitor and Vendor booths
  •  Sponsorship opportunities
  •  Product launch
  •  Workshop organization
  •  Scientific partnering
  •  Marketing and Networking with clients

Quantum Mechanics

Quantum Mechanics or Quantum Physics session brings you the research on the theoretical, experimental and applied quantum physics phenomena. The prediction of behaviour of particles at the subatomic level where the classical mechanics is unreliable. An example of a system that exhibits quantum physical effects on macroscopic scale is super fluidity. This quantum physics theory also provides probability and descriptions for previously poorly understood phenomena.

  • Molecular Quantum Mechanics
  • Laser, Optics & Photonics
  • Pure and Applied Physics
  • Quantum Materials
  • Quantum Electronics
  • Quantum chromo dynamics
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Quantum interference
  • Applications of Quantum mechanics
  • Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
  • Quantum technology and Measurement
  • Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
  • Quantum Information Theory
  • Quantum Thermodynamics
  • Quantum States and Quantum Dots
  • Quantum Information Science
  • Quantum Cryptography
  • Quantum Plasmonics
  • Quantum Transport and Dissipation
  • Quantum Logic and Simulation
  • Quantum Metrology and Sensing
  • Block chain Technology
  • Quantum Error Correction

Quantum Field Theory (QFT)

The quantum field theory session deals with the theoretical frameworks underlying the classical theories and reproducing particles that do not exist in quantum physics. Statistical application of condensed matter physics, quantum gravity and quantum electrodynamics (QED) are the core theories of focus in this quantum field theory session. Research in quantum physics is substantial in the past decade, and it continues to be an area of interest to many theoretical physicists who try to apply mathematical solutions to the quantum particles.

  • Quantization of the Bosonic String
  • Bosonic String Action
  • Conformal Field Theory
  • Quantization of Non Abelian Gauge Theories
  • Quantum Decoherence and Dephasing
  • Radial Quantization
  • Quantum Brownian Motion
  • Quantum Chromodynamics



Quantum Topology

In 2016, three physicists were awarded Nobel Prize for rewriting our understanding of exotic phase transitional quantum states on the surfaces of materials. This quantum physics conference gathers scientists working on the interactions between theoretical representation and low-dimensional topology. The key focus of this session will be on the quantum physics interaction between low-dimensional topology such as invariants, topological quantum filed theory, categorification and more.

  • Quantum Invariants
  • Hyperbolic Geometry
  • Khovanov and Heegaard Floer Homology
  • Volume and AJ Conjectures
  • Chern-Simons Theory
  • Topological Model
  • Topological Matter
  • Topological Insulators and Graphene

Quantum Spintronics

The challenges in quantum spintronics will be focused and this quantum physics conference brings together the quantum physicists at the forefront to advance this key area that enables innovation. A recent research shows that the quantum particle interaction can be on and off inside a quantum system, which potentially paves way for many spintronic applications. Innovative research in electronics and data storage devices is some areas of interest in this session.

  • Spin-Dependent Optical
  • Spin Coherence and Manipulation
  • Spintronic Devices and Applications
  • Spintronic Materials
  • Spin-Dependent Thermal

Quantum Technology

Every technology around the world from smart phones to space satellites have to be ready change to quantum physics in the future. With the development of science and technology, quantum technology is a key factor to the applications of quantum computers, quantum cryptography and quantum optics. The quantum technologies, with its radically different concepts pose a land of opportunities and challenges, with researchers actively working to overcome using quantum physics.

  • Quantum Science
  • Quantum Networks and their Applications
  • Quantum Sensors
  • Quantum Information
  • Quantum Communication
  • Quantum Simulators
  • Quantum Transport
  • Quantum Light-Matter Interfaces
  • Quantum Non-Linear Optics
  • Quantum Metrology
  • Quantum Computers

Quantum Sensing

Quantum sensors have the potential to transform the world like never before. The quantum sensing session explores the peculiarities of quantum system to develop new and improved sensors. The potential for quantum sensor application in the world are unlimited, right from detecting the tiny impulses in the body to identifying a possible earthquake or volcanic eruption, the quantum sensors offers an advantage over the conventional classical mechanics with much precision and accuracy. Here in this quantum physics conference, researchers will discuss the most imminent research highlights.

  • Quantum Sensors
  • Quantum Detection and Sensing
  • Superconducting Detectors and Sensors
  • Optical Quantum Sensors
  • Quantum Lithography
  • Mesoscopic Device Processing

Quantum Imaging

The quantum imaging session bring you the latest research on limits of classical optics overcome by quantum technology. An example of quantum imaging results is the quantum laser pointer, which demonstrates the possibility of improving the measurement of position of centre of a light beam at beyond the short noise limit. Recent research works are focused on the experimental and application to improve quality of quantum imaging process will also be discussed in our quantum physics conference.

  • Image Processing
  • Optical Data Storage and Optical Measurements
  • Nonlocal Quantum Imaging Physics
  • Quantum Ghost Imaging
  • Quantum Imaging and Future Directions
  • Recent Developments in Quantum Imaging
  • Light-Electron Interaction
  • Electron Phase Plates and Beam Shaping
  • Quantum Concepts in Electron Microscopy
  • Ultrafast TEM-Time Shaping

Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics

The core topic that will be covered in AMO physics in our quantum physics conference includes research in atomic and molecular properties of matter. In this quantum physics conference lays a platform for researchers to present their research and form a network with the peers in their respective fields. Applications of AMO physics in different technologies such as fibre optics, fusion reactors, quantum computers, lasers and materials science will be covered in this session.

  • Atom-atom and Atom-Molecule collisions
  • Electron-Atom collisions
  • Electron-Molecule Collisions
  • Ion-atom and Ion-Ion Collisions
  • Collisions involving Antimatter, Clusters and Surfaces
  • Recent Developments in Electron-atom Collisions

In-depth Quantum Physics

  • Quantum Machine Learning & AI
  • Classical Machine Learning
  • Quantum Algorithms
  • Quantum Optics and Photonics
  • Quantum Computing
  • Quantum information and computation
  • Quantum communication
  • Quantum Information
  • Quantum Artificial Intelligence
  • Quantum Architect
  • Theoretical Quantum Physics
  • Quantum Software Research
  • Quantum Engineering
  • Quantum Computing Hardware Engineering
  • Quantum electronic device Engineering
  • Computational Quantum Physics
  • Quantum Gravity & Cosmology
  • Quantum Sensing
  • Cloud Computing
  • Quantum Safe-Security
  • Quantum Genome Sequence
  • Quantum Imaging
  • Quantum Nano Science and Nano Physics

Nuclear Engineering

Nuclear Engineering is the branch of engineering concerned with the application of breaking down atomic nuclei (fission) or of combining atomic nuclei (fusion), or with the application of other sub-atomic processes based on the principles of nuclear physics.

  • Operating Plant Experience
  • Nuclear Fuel and Engineering
  • Nuclear Plant Engineering
  • SMR and Advanced Reactors
  • Nuclear Safety, Security, and Cyber Security
  • Codes and Standards
  • Robotics
  • Thermal-Hydraulics
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
  • Verification and Validation
  • Decontamination & Decommissioning
  • Beyond Design Basis
  • Nuclear Policy
  • Probabilistic Risk Assessments
  • Nuclear Radiation

Power plant Stimulation

This conference focuses on the special needs of the nuclear and fossil power plant simulation community and includes presentations by technology and industry leaders, technical sessions, panel and roundtable discussions, and vendor exhibits. The primary goal of the conference is to promote open exchange of simulator related information between all attendees.

  • Simulator Modifications
  • Simulator Upgrades
  • Virtual Simulator Technology
  • Non-Training Uses of Power Plant Simulators
  • Knowledge Retention/Succession Planning
  • Life Cycle Management of Simulator Components
  • Emulated Stimulator Technology
  • Simulator Oversight & Management
  • Regulations
  • Hardware Upgrades
  • Glass Panel Simulator Usage
  • Simulator Support Systems (Audio/Video/UPS/HVAC, etc.)

Nuclear Decommissioning and Waste Management

The two day event will bring together senior executives from the key industry stakeholders from Energy Providers, Plant Owners & Operators, Industry Consultants & Experts, Lawyers, Purchasing and Procurement Management Professionals, Nuclear Regulators, Nuclear Technology Companies, Industry Investors, Asset Management Companies, Nuclear Engineers and Safety Inspectors, Decommissioning Managers, Waste Management Companies, Governmental representatives, Radiation and health protection agencies, Packaging & Transportation Officials, Academic Institutions, Research Organisations and Market Analysts.

  • Overview on the Status of nuclear Decommissioning
  • Transition from Operation to Decommission
  • Regulatory Challenges and Opportunities in Decommissioning and Waste Management
  • Strategy for Graphite Reactors Decommissioning & potential Synergies
  • Waste Management Strategies
  • Retaining Competency for Safe Transports of Radioactive Waste in Future
  • Decommissioning Project Management
  • Analysing New Forms of Contract Models
  • Investigating Technical Solutions
  • Total Cost of Ownership Reduction for Powered Respiratory Protection in Nuclear Facilities

Power Plant Technologies

Conventional power plants will be indispensable in maintaining secure energy supplies also in the coming decades. In that context, the focus in the past was increased efficiency and reduced emissions thanks to state of the art plant technology. In times of an increasing share of volatile renewable generation the issue of flexibility of conventional power plants is of growing importance. The fundamental challenge for operation of the power plants is competition, with its market-driven rules.

  • Steam Generators
  • Fuel Technology/Firing Systems
  • Fluidized Bed Firing Systems
  • Thermal Waste Utilization
  • Industrial and Co-generation Stations
  • Flue Gas Cleaning Systems
  • Steam Turbines
  • Gas Turbines
  • Cooling Systems in Power Plants
  • Civil Concepts/Specific Civil Solutions
  • Civil Structural Maintenance / Condition Monitoring
  • Electrical Engineering and I&C
  • Electrical Equipment
  • Instrumentation and Control
  • Acceptance and Control Tests
  • Power Generation Maintenance Optimization Network (PGMON)
  • Plant Management Systems and Technical IT
  • Reference Designation and Plant Documentation
  • Materials and Quality Assurance
  • Supervision of Construction and Assembly/Quality Assurance
  • Pipes and Valves
  • Condition Monitoring and Inspection

Nuclear Plant Chemistry

The opposite of a nuclear explosion, nuclear reactors are the controlled release of fission energy. They serve the purpose of converting “nuclear energy” to heat. The fuel elements contain the fissile material, typically uranium or plutonium, which is used as the fuel to undergo fission and provide the nuclear energy.

  • Secondary water chemistry
  • Primary water chemistry & radio-chemistry
  • Auxiliary systems water chemistry & waste treatment
  • Maintenance & long term operation
  • Monitoring updates & new developments
  • Numerical & simulation tools
  • Advanced reactors


The Quantum Computing market is predicted to grow from USD 472 million in 2022 to USD 1,765 million by 2026, at a CAGR of 30.2%. the first adoption of quantum computing within the banking and finance sector is predicted to fuel the expansion of the market globally. Other key factors contributing to the expansion of the quantum computing market include rising investments by governments of various countries to hold out research and development activities associated with quantum computing technology. Several companies are that specialize in the adoption of QCaaS post-COVID-19. This, in turn, is predicted to contribute to the expansion of the quantum computing market. However, stability and error correction issues are expected to restrain the expansion of the market.

Drivers: Early adoption of quantum computing in banking and finance industry
Quantum computing is gaining traction within the banking and finance services industry, which is that specialize in increasing the speed of trade activities, transactions, and processing manifolds. one among the many potential applications of quantum computing is that the simulation. Quantum computing helps within the identification of an improved and efficient thanks to manage financial risks. The time interval and therefore the costs of high-quality solutions can increase exponentially if classical computers are utilized in financial institutions, while quantum computers can perform speedy operations at optimized costs, leading to cost savings and new opportunities for revenue generation

Rise in investments in quantum computing technology

Various government agencies associated with the worldwide space and defense sector are investing increasingly within the development of quantum computing technology in order that different optimization and simulation strategies are often implemented with quantum computers. Governments of varied countries across the planet are making significant investments to support their research institutes for the event of quantum computing technology. China is investing significantly in research and development activities associated with quantum computing technology. Governments of the US and Australia, also as of the countries of the ecu Union, are forging ahead with quantum computing initiatives. as an example , in August 

To share your views and research, please click here to register for the Conference.

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date May 29-30, 2022
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